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A self-made man - Jean-François Clemenceau was born in Saintes (France), a former Roman city, situated near the Atlantic ocean, near Cognac and Bordeaux.

After a happy meeting with Bulgarian Painters, teachers at the ‘’Beaux-arts’’ who taught him how to see his environnement in a different way, his art developed amidst the warm color of the south. His numerous travels auround the Mediterranean sea have influenced his way of working colours and have brightened his palette. His knife-painting mostly represent landscapes and seascapes style.Since his recent and emiching trip to the Carribeans, he has started introducing human beings in his paintings. He appreciates secluded, somewhat wild islands where human encounters are genuine and colourful.

He is close to nature, which he loves and respects, his passion for trees is an exemple of his love. Painting trees, immortalizing them on canvas is paying homage to them and showing the world that they are major actors of climate regulation on our planet.

He gets:


  - Great price of the town of Saint Jean d’Angély      

  - Bronze medal of the Saint - Emilion international exhibition


- First lanscape and public price of the La Rochelle Plastic arts show

- Second oil price at Saintes’s exhibition


- Prix coup de cœur du bureau au salon de Saintes

- 2 ème prix d’huile au salon de Saint-Savinien

- 2 ème prix d’huile au salon de Chaniers


Landscape Price of the La Rochelle visual arts show


Médaille du salon au salon d’arts plastiques de La Rochelle


- 2 ème prix d’huile au salon de Saint-Savinien

- Prix de la coop atlantique au salon d’arts plastiques de La Rochelle


En permanence à la Galerie "aux cadres d’art" à Poitiers
En permanence à la Galerie "Marengo" à Angoulême
En permanence à la Galerie "Cadre de vie" à Jarnac
En permanence à l’atelier "Michèle Marrot" à Toulouse

 Il expose dans de nombreux salons en France et à l’étranger:

Angoulême - Bressuire - Brouage - Bruges (Belgique) - Chaniers - Châtellerault - Château d’Oléron - Chinon - Cognac - Colombiers (34) - Descartes (37) Jonzac - Klarenbeek (Pays Bas) - La Rochelle - Le Fousseret (31) - Les Portes en Ré - Luxembourg - Marennes - Matha - Mornac/seudre - Niort - Nantes - Rochefort - Saint Emillion - Saint-Georges de Didonne - Saint-Jean d’Angély - Saint-Savinien - Sainte-Maure de Touraine - Saintes - Saujon.


Expositions personnelles:

2006: Galerie de l’espace culturel du centre Leclerc de Saintes

2007: - Couvent des Récollets à Cognac

         - Casino Barrière à Jonzac

2008: Abbaye de fontdouce

2009: Galerie de l’espace culturel du centre Leclerc de Saintes

         Abbaye de fontdouce

2010: Epicerie à Saintes 4 rue Urbain Loyer

         Galerie de Châteauneuf sur Charente (16)

         Salon des Arts Plastiques de La Rochelle (17)

         Bibliothèque municipale de Brizambourg (17)

         Espace contemporain Phare sud de Gruissan (11)

         Couvent des Récollets à Cognac (16)
